Our Product

Glove Boxes and Gas Purifiers
Labconco offers Filtered, Controlled Atmosphere and Combination Glove Boxes that provide a physical barrier between the user and materials inside.

Water Purification Systems
These point-of-use pure water systems include reverse osmosis systems and water polishing systems.

Fume Hood & Enclosures
Labconco offers a laboratory fume hood for every application. Whether you need a light duty enclosure for nuisance vapors, a sophisticated hood system for toxic fumes, or specialized ventilation equipment for unique applications, Labconco can offer a perfectly tailored solution.

Freeze Dryers
Benchtop freeze dryers and mobile consoles. Models available that reach as low as -105°C. Lyophilization, evaporation or concentration, which is best for your samples?

Glassware Washers
Labconco laboratory glassware washers have specialized features to meet the laboratory’s demand for superior cleaning and convenience. Undercounter and freestanding models are available.

Balance, Bulk Powder & Equipment Enclosure
The XPert and RXPert lines of balance and bulk powder enclosures provide user protection by containing airborne powders and particulates.

Flame Photometer
Sherwood Scientific entered the Flame Photometer market with the Model 410, having acquired the manufacturing rights to the design from Corning.

Magnetic Susceptibility Balance
Magnetic Susceptibility is defined as: “The ratio of the intensity of magnetism induced in a substance to the magnetising force or intensity of field to which it is subject.”

Rotary Evaporators
Hei-VAP Core - Uncompromising quality and simple handling

Magnetic Stirrer
Heidolph magnetic stirrers are traditionally among the daily lab helpers. Whether in research laboratories in major industries or at universities - everywhere, titration, synthesis or extraction is carried out with the need for the highest precision

Shakers are simply indispensable in research laboratories - whether to prepare or stain samples for analysis, to cultivate cells and microorganisms, or to prevent sedimentation of solids.

Shakers are simply indispensable in research laboratories - whether to prepare or stain samples for analysis, to cultivate cells and microorganisms, or to prevent sedimentation of solids.